Steven / Cat / Yosuf Is Back

Born with a first name of Steven, commecialized as “Cat Stevens”, and then quitting the music industry he named himself Yosuf. After almost 30 years, he’s back with a new album and may be touring. He has an interesting point of view, having been at the top of western capitalism and then turning away from it all to become a devout Muslim and family man.

Cat Steven’s music is some of my favorite. I did not know about the bout with tuberculosis being a catalyst for his greatest musical success.

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Five Forks in Wikipedia

Not sure why I ended up on the Georgia entry in Wikipedia, but I thought I would edit the page and add Five Forks as one of the towns in Georgia. To my surprise, I found it was already there. However, it had no link and no article of its own. So I created an account and added an article. There isn’t much there, but I think I’ll try to build it up. It is amazing how much trouble someone has gone to on the Snellville article. Forks, Georgia

Wikipedia is one of the most amazing things that has ever happened on the internet. As Ted has asked, “Why would anyone ever buy an encyclopedia?” One answer is: “To look at all the colorful flags.” That’s one of the things I remember doing. But Wikipedia has flags, too.

The Brainman

This summary by Scot is worth a read. Because Daniel Tammet is a normal man whose talents came as the result of a seizure, he is able to describe his condition. He can do amazing math (by visualizing it) and learn languages fluently in a week (by “getting” their form.)

Two extra videos from the show:

Numbers in different sizes.

Messed up PI.

Stories like this are like peekng behind a wonderful curtain.

BetterFileUploader Plugin

Uploading pictures should be a little easier now. Read on if you’d like…


I’ve never liked the upload window in MovableType because you have to do too many steps (and this frustrates my mom.) Typically you have to remember to:

1. Choose “show me the HTML” or risk having the story you just wrote wiped out by the create new entry option.

2. Choose “create thumbnail” or you get a full size image in your story.

3. Change the size of the thumbnail (which by default is big for some reason.)

4. Click on “Embedded Image”.

I’ve installed a plugin called BetterFileUploader that helps with steps 1 and 3. Now show me HTML is selected by default, so mom won’t get her story wiped out. And although you have to still choose thumbnail, the size goes to a default of 150 pixels wide.


The other nice thing is that the current year and month is added to the upload directory. In this way, all of your photos uploaded over time do no accumulate in a single directory. Instead they will be uploaded and stored with some context… the year and month of the article.


iPods, iTV, and Cover Flow

While in my hotel room in Phoenix this past week, instead of turning on the TV, I ended up watching a presentation by Steve Jobs about the new iPods, iTunes, and a new thing coming called iTV. The presentation ended up being much more impressive that I thought as I saw how Apple is becoming a network for music, televisions shows, and movies. You will be able to watch and listen when you want either in the car, on the go, on your laptop or desktop, or in your living room on your big TV screen. The latter is possible with a $299 box that will talk wirelessly to the Mac in the next room to play music, TV shows, or movies. The box doesn’t store anything. It just hooks up to the big screen TV.

One of the new features of iTunes is “Cover Flow” which I’ve now been enjoying for two days. Apple will automatically update all of your music with any album cover art it can find. I went from about 2% to about 70% album art in one update. I’ve since been making some manual updates.

Cover Flow lets you “rediscover your music” as Steve said. Basically it lets you flip through albums as you would do physically with the added advantage of iTunes keeping everything sorted for you.


The funny thing was I watched half of Steve’s presentation, got called to dinner, and then finished it when I came back from dinner. I felt like I was already watching iTV.

Oh… one other thing about iTunes. The new “gapless album” feature is terrific. Now songs that were meant to flow into one another (Duke by Genesis, Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd) play as intended with no interruption between songs. Not sure how this works, but iTunes auto-detects this and just seems to know. You can also manually tell iTunes to act gapless if it doesn’t guess right. So far it has guessed right on my albums.

Google Ad Earnings – $99.98

Over two years ago in May of 2004, I added Google ads to my blog and reported my first $4.08 in earnings. It has been a slow climb to get to the $100 mark that will trigger my first check from Google. Since I took this snapshot, it rolled over that mark, so the check should be in the mail at the end of this month.

Ted got his first check much faster and has gotten other checks from other ad sources. Helps to be an engineer-consumer-writer guy.


The CIA’s Chief of the Bin Laden Unit

This is a point of view worth hearing. It doesn’t contain a lot of the rhetoric in right-wing and left-wing positions (although Harper’s is pretty anti-establishment.) It doesn’t necessarily square with what I think, but it certainly influences what I think.

I’ve copy/pasted the entire article just in case the link stops working.

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